I thought I might explain this article a bit more, backup/restore is not enough if your installation is not so simple, accessing tables from a different database can make life a bit more difficult.
I'm going to write about three major features of the other script:
1. List Programmable objects
2. Retrieving Indexes
3. Modify all programmable objects
1. List Programmable objects
Almost all databases contain one way or another of programmable objects, stored procedures, stored functions and views, some DBAs write the full object name [dbname].[schema].[object], some by shortcut [dbname]..[object], sometimes there's a need to access one database from the other, going over even 10 of these objects can be a headache and a complete waste of time, so first, lets dump them to a temp table.
-- ============================================= -- Author: Dror Gluska -- Create date: 2010-05-30 -- Description: Gets all Views/StoredProcedures and references outside the current database -- ============================================= create PROCEDURE tuspGetAllExecutables AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; declare @retval table (name nvarchar(max), text nvarchar(max), refs int); declare @tmpval nvarchar(max); declare @tmpname nvarchar(max); declare @ref table( ReferencingDBName nvarchar(255), ReferencingEntity nvarchar(255), ReferencedDBName nvarchar(255), ReferencedSchema nvarchar(255), ReferencedEntity nvarchar(255) ); declare @refdata table (DBName nvarchar(255), Entity nvarchar(255), NoOfReferences int); insert into @ref select DB_NAME() AS ReferencingDBName, OBJECT_NAME(referencing_id) as ReferencingEntity, referenced_database_name, referenced_schema_name, referenced_entity_name FROM sys.sql_expression_dependencies insert into @refdata select ReferencingDBNAme, ReferencingEntity, SUM(NoOfReferences) as NoOfReferences from ( select * , ( select COUNT(*) from @ref r2 where r2.ReferencedEntity = [@ref].ReferencingEntity and r2.ReferencedDBName = [@ref].ReferencingDBName ) as NoOfReferences from @ref ) as refs group by ReferencingDBNAme, ReferencingEntity order by NoOfReferences declare xpcursor CURSOR for SELECT name FROM syscomments B, sysobjects A WHERE A.[id]=B.[id] and xtype in ('TF','IF','P','V') group by name order by name open xpcursor fetch next from xpcursor into @tmpname while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin set @tmpval = ''; select @tmpval = @tmpval + text FROM syscomments B, sysobjects A WHERE A.[id]=B.[id] and A.name = @tmpname order by colid insert into @retval select @tmpname, @tmpval, (select top 1 NoOfReferences from @refdata where [@refdata].Entity = @tmpname) fetch next from xpcursor into @tmpname end close xpcursor deallocate xpcursor select * from @retval order by refs END GO
The output of this stored procedure looks something like this:
2. Retrieving Indexes
But that's not enough for schemabound views, since they support indexes, we need to save these indexes too since all indexes drop when schemabound views are altered.
-- ============================================= -- Author: thorv-918308 -- Create date: 2009-06-05 -- Description: Script all indexes as CREATE INDEX statements -- Copied from http://www.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Topic401795-566-1.aspx#bm879833 -- ============================================= CREATE PROCEDURE tuspGetIndexOnTable @indexOnTblName nvarchar(255) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; --1. get all indexes from current db, place in temp table select tablename = object_name(i.id), tableid = i.id, indexid = i.indid, indexname = i.name, i.status, isunique = indexproperty (i.id,i.name,'isunique'), isclustered = indexproperty (i.id,i.name,'isclustered'), indexfillfactor = indexproperty (i.id,i.name,'indexfillfactor') into #tmp_indexes from sysindexes i where i.indid > 0 and i.indid < 255 --not certain about this and (i.status & 64) = 0 --existing indexes --add additional columns to store include and key column lists alter table #tmp_indexes add keycolumns varchar(4000), includes varchar(4000) --go --################################################################################################ --2. loop through tables, put include and index columns into variables declare @isql_key varchar(4000), @isql_incl varchar(4000), @tableid int, @indexid int declare index_cursor cursor for select tableid, indexid from #tmp_indexes open index_cursor fetch next from index_cursor into @tableid, @indexid while @@fetch_status <> -1 begin select @isql_key = '', @isql_incl = '' select --i.name, sc.colid, sc.name, ic.index_id, ic.object_id, * --key column @isql_key = case ic.is_included_column when 0 then case ic.is_descending_key when 1 then @isql_key + coalesce(sc.name,'') + ' DESC, ' else @isql_key + coalesce(sc.name,'') + ' ASC, ' end else @isql_key end, --include column @isql_incl = case ic.is_included_column when 1 then case ic.is_descending_key when 1 then @isql_incl + coalesce(sc.name,'') + ', ' else @isql_incl + coalesce(sc.name,'') + ', ' end else @isql_incl end from sysindexes i INNER JOIN sys.index_columns AS ic ON (ic.column_id > 0 and (ic.key_ordinal > 0 or ic.partition_ordinal = 0 or ic.is_included_column != 0)) AND (ic.index_id=CAST(i.indid AS int) AND ic.object_id=i.id) INNER JOIN sys.columns AS sc ON sc.object_id = ic.object_id and sc.column_id = ic.column_id where i.indid > 0 and i.indid < 255 and (i.status & 64) = 0 and i.id = @tableid and i.indid = @indexid order by i.name, case ic.is_included_column when 1 then ic.index_column_id else ic.key_ordinal end if len(@isql_key) > 1 set @isql_key = left(@isql_key, len(@isql_key) -1) if len(@isql_incl) > 1 set @isql_incl = left(@isql_incl, len(@isql_incl) -1) update #tmp_indexes set keycolumns = @isql_key, includes = @isql_incl where tableid = @tableid and indexid = @indexid fetch next from index_cursor into @tableid,@indexid end close index_cursor deallocate index_cursor --remove invalid indexes,ie ones without key columns delete from #tmp_indexes where keycolumns = '' --################################################################################################ --select * from #tmp_indexes --3. output the index creation scripts set nocount on --separator --select '---------------------------------------------------------------------' --create index scripts (for backup) SELECT 'CREATE ' + CASE WHEN ISUNIQUE = 1 THEN 'UNIQUE ' ELSE '' END + CASE WHEN ISCLUSTERED = 1 THEN 'CLUSTERED ' ELSE '' END + 'INDEX [' + INDEXNAME + ']' +' ON [' + TABLENAME + '] ' + '(' + keycolumns + ')' + CASE WHEN INDEXFILLFACTOR = 0 AND ISCLUSTERED = 1 AND INCLUDES = '' THEN '' WHEN INDEXFILLFACTOR = 0 AND ISCLUSTERED = 0 AND INCLUDES = '' THEN ' WITH (ONLINE = ON)' WHEN INDEXFILLFACTOR <> 0 AND ISCLUSTERED = 0 AND INCLUDES = '' THEN ' WITH (ONLINE = ON, FILLFACTOR = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),INDEXFILLFACTOR) + ')' WHEN INDEXFILLFACTOR = 0 AND ISCLUSTERED = 0 AND INCLUDES <> '' THEN ' INCLUDE (' + INCLUDES + ') WITH (ONLINE = ON)' ELSE ' INCLUDE(' + INCLUDES + ') WITH (FILLFACTOR = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),INDEXFILLFACTOR) + ', ONLINE = ON)' END collate database_default as 'DDLSQL' FROM #tmp_indexes where left(tablename,3) not in ('sys', 'dt_') --exclude system tables and tablename = @indexOnTblName order by tablename, indexid, indexname set nocount off drop table #tmp_indexes END GO
3. Modify all programmable objects
Now that we have a list of all the programmable objects and the indexes the schemabound objects have we can go over each object, modify it and save it.
declare @codetext nvarchar(max); declare @newcodetext nvarchar(max); declare @idxcode nvarchar(max) declare @tablename nvarchar(255); declare @indextable table (DDLSQL nvarchar(max)); declare @executables table(name nvarchar(max), text nvarchar(max),refcount int); insert into @executables exec tuspGetAllExecutables declare spcursor CURSOR for select text,name from @executables order by refcount open spcursor fetch next from spcursor into @codetext, @tablename while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin set @newcodetext = @codetext; set @newcodetext = REPLACE( @newcodetext,'test.','test_development.') if (@newcodetext != @codetext) begin set @newcodetext = REPLACE( @newcodetext,'CREATE FUNCTION','ALTER FUNCTION') set @newcodetext = REPLACE( @newcodetext,'CREATE PROCEDURE','ALTER PROCEDURE') set @newcodetext = REPLACE( @newcodetext,'CREATE VIEW','ALTER VIEW') insert into @indextable exec tuspGetIndexOnTable @tablename print @tablename print @newcodetext EXECUTE sp_executesql @newcodetext --recreate lost index for schemabinded views if (select COUNT(*) from @indextable) > 0 begin declare vidxcursor cursor for select DDLSQL from @indextable open vidxcursor fetch next from vidxcursor into @idxcode while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin print @idxcode EXECUTE sp_executesql @idxcode fetch next from vidxcursor into @idxcode end close vidxcursor deallocate vidxcursor end end fetch next from spcursor into @codetext, @tablename end close spcursor deallocate spcursor
So what happens here?
a. we use tuspGetAllExecutables to get all programmable objects.
b. we 'replace' all occurences of 'test.' to 'test_development.', its not perfect (or even correct for your case), but it worked for my needs since the database name I have is unique.
c. modify 'create' to 'alter' for functions, procedures and views.
d. get a list of indexes for that programmable object, only schemabound views return anything.
e. alter the programmable object.
f. recreate all the indexes.
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