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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Amazon AWS 101 Seminar

Yesterday the team and I had Amazon's AWS 101 Seminar, it was a whole day introduction to the services Amazon's cloud is offering.

The seminar was done by Jean-Pierre Legoaller while Tiago Henriques and Guillem Veiga were answering questions.

If you're planning to use Amazon's AWS and have an opportunity to go through their seminar, go for it, they told us about the services offered, some pricing, architecture and provided a nice workshop pdf with a detailed walk-through so we'd feel more comfortable with it.

I knew about AWS before the seminar but didn't really work with it in my daily routine and now I have a good common language with our IT.

Some of the basics covered were EC2, instance vs ebs, RDS, S3 and the command line tools and there was an introduction to VPC, CloudFormation, CloudFront, SES, SQS, ElastiCache and DynamoDB.

I'm happy to share with you some links we went over in the course:

AWS Presentations Channel on slideshare

AWS What's New 

AWS Blog

AWS Architecture Center - great resource for learning the possibilities with AWS!



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